시애틀KR 직업 분석
DSHS ALTSA 공익 전문가 4
Key Skills and Qualifications
Technical Skills
Soft Skills
Physical Requirements
No specific physical requirements mentioned in the job description.
Sample Interview Questions and Answers
Question 1: Describe how you would independently determine eligibility for a client seeking Long-term Services and Support (LTSS) under the HCB Waiver Services program. What steps would you take to ensure compliance with Washington Administrative Code (WAC) and Revised Code of Washington (RCW)?
Using multiple computer systems, I would input and analyze data related to the client’s financial status, including income, assets, and any transfers that could affect their eligibility. Part of this process involves using a statewide asset verification system to assess the impact of real property transactions like sales or quit claims.
I ensure compliance with WAC and RCW by thoroughly reading and interpreting these codes, along with procedural manuals and policy clarifications specific to LTSS programs. Understanding these regulations is crucial for making accurate eligibility decisions and preventing incorrect payments. Additionally, I maintain a record of all information gathered and decisions made during the determination process to facilitate audits or reviews.
In cases where there are complex financial scenarios, such as trusts or life estates, I may seek guidance from agency social workers or legal representatives if necessary. My ultimate goal is to ensure that all eligibility determinations are conducted accurately and in full compliance with applicable laws and policies.
Question 2: Explain how you would handle a situation where you discover an overpayment of Medicaid Personal Care benefits. What steps would you take to correct the issue, and how would you communicate this to the client?
Once confirmed, I would calculate the precise amount of the overpayment and determine if it needs immediate repayment or can be adjusted over future payments. To correct the issue, I would initiate a repayment plan with the client, explaining all options available, such as setting up installment payments if the full amount cannot be repaid immediately.
Communication with the client is key throughout this process. I would arrange a meeting, either in-person or via telephone, to discuss the overpayment in detail. During this conversation, I’d explain how the overpayment occurred and present the repayment options clearly. It’s important to provide them with written documentation outlining the steps we’re taking to correct the issue.
Additionally, I would ensure all actions taken are documented accurately within our system for future reference and audit purposes. Throughout the process, maintaining empathy and understanding towards the client's situation is crucial, as they may be financially strained due to their dependence on Medicaid benefits.
Question 3: How do you use a statewide asset verification and real property database in your role? Provide an example scenario where this tool would impact a client’s eligibility for public assistance.
For example, consider a scenario where a client is applying for Medicaid Personal Care services and has recently sold a property. The database provides insights into the sale, including transaction details like sales price and date of transfer. This information helps me determine if the proceeds from the sale impact their asset limits for eligibility purposes.
In this case, if the proceeds exceed the allowable asset limit, it might render them ineligible for benefits until the assets are spent down according to program guidelines. I would analyze this data and communicate with the client about how best to utilize these funds in a way that aligns with their needs while remaining compliant with Medicaid rules.
Using the database ensures accurate eligibility determinations by providing comprehensive asset information, which is crucial for preventing both underpayments and overpayments of benefits.
원본 채용 공고
고령화 및 장기 지원 관리 (ALTSA), 가정 및 커뮤니티 서비스 (HCS)는 현재 워싱턴주 스포캔에 있는 공공 혜택 전문가(PBS4)를 찾고 있습니다. HCS PBS로서 다양한 서비스와 지원에 재정적, 의학적으로 의존하는 고위험 고객에게 복잡한 자격 요건과 숙련된 재정 지도에 대한 종합적인 상담을 제공합니다.
가정 및 지역사회 서비스는 고령화 및 장기 지원청(ALTSA)의 한 부서로, 장애인, 노인 또는 간병인이 있는 사람들에게 독립성, 존엄성, 삶의 질을 극대화하기 위해 다양한 장기 서비스와 지원을 제공하고, 계획, 개발 및 제공합니다.
이 역할은 교육을 위해 사무실에서 시작되며 경영진의 재량에 따라 원격 근무를 할 수 있는 기회가 있습니다.
당신이 할 일 중 일부:
- 장기 서비스 및 지원 프로그램에 대한 지속적인 자격을 독립적으로 결정하고 재결정합니다: HCB 면제 서비스, 호스피스, 대체 돌봄 서비스 프로그램, 요양 시설, 기관 진료, 메디케이드 퍼스널 케어, 커뮤니티 퍼스트 초이스 등.
- 고객, 고객 대리인, 변호사, 의료 제공자 및 보호자와 집중적이고 기밀한 대면 및 전화 인터뷰를 수행하고, 필요할 때 접근성, 합리적인 숙소 또는 통역사를 배치하여 장기 서비스 및 지원, 재정, 의료, WASHCAP 및 식품 지원 혜택에 대한 자격 및 사후 자격을 결정합니다.
- 보조금, 식량 혜택, 의료 지원, 장기 서비스 및 지원의 잘못된 지급을 인식하고 다시 계산하며, 초과 지급과 과소 지급을 설정합니다.
- 전문적인 사례 관리를 제공하고 장기적인 서비스와 지원을 원하는 다양한 고객을 위한 서비스를 평가합니다.
- 기관 사회복지사(내부 및 외부), 의료 제공자, 보호자, 공인 대리인 및 변호사를 위한 정보 출처 역할을 합니다.
- 여러 컴퓨터 시스템을 사용하여 데이터 입력 및 수신
- 법원 명령, 계약, 보험증권, 신탁, 생명 재산, 약속어음 등 접수된 서면 및 구두 정보를 분석합니다. 수혜자의 특정 상황과 관련된 각 지원 프로그램에 필요한 데이터, 문서 및 검증을 확보하고 검토합니다.
- 워싱턴 행정 강령 WAC, 개정된 워싱턴 강령(RCW), 절차 매뉴얼, 정책 및 정책 설명을 읽고 해석합니다.
- 주 전역의 자산 확인 및 부동산 데이터베이스를 사용하여 부동산 이전, 청구 및 판매 중단의 영향을 분석하고 고객 자격에 대한 적용 가능성을 파악합니다.
- 사례 감사에 대응하고 수정하기
- 예정대로 사무직 직원을 위한 사무실 커버리지 제공
누가 신청해야 하나요:
공익 전문가로서 12개월의 경력을 가진 전문가 3.또는
학사 학위 이상 및 공공 혜택 전문가로서의 12개월 경력 2는 공공 지원 또는 장기 요양 서비스의 자격을 결정합니다.OR
5년간의 고등 교육 및/또는 동등한 경력*이 학위 및 PBS 근무 경력 요건을 대체할 수 있습니다. 총합에는 최소 1년 이상의 동등한 근무 경력이 포함되어야 합니다.
*동등한 경험의 예로는 다음이 포함되지만 이에 국한되지 않습니다:
역사적으로 소외된 지역사회에 서비스를 제공하거나 직접 고객 서비스를 제공합니다.대출 신청을 검토/처리한 경험.
의료 보험 또는 재활 청구.
실업 보험 청구.
재무 적격성 결정 또는 직무에서 재무 데이터와 정보를 분석, 검증 및 평가하는 직원 지원 제공
기관의 공익 전문가 양성 프로그램을 만족스럽게 완료했습니다.
참고: 재정, 의료 및 식품 혜택 프로그램을 포함한 공공 지원에 대한 재정적 자격 결정을 수행하는 타주 경험은 경험을 기준으로 고려될 것입니다.
선호하는 기술, 지식 및 능력:
- 장기 요양 프로그램 관리를 규정하는 규칙과 요구 사항; 주 및 연방 의료 지원 프로그램, 가정 및 지역 사회 기반 면제, 기관 프로그램 자격, 지역 사회 우선 선택, 메디케이드 개인 돌봄, 메디케이드 대체 돌봄, 노인, 노인, 시각 장애인, 장애인 현금 지원, 기본 식품 및 WASHCAP.
- 공공 지원 프로그램 철학, 주 및 연방 복지법, 규칙 및 규정, 공공 복지 행정의 원칙, 문제 및 관행, 사회 및 경제 상황, 그리고 그것이 사람들에게 미치는 영향에 공감합니다.
- 수학적 원리를 계산에 적용할 수 있습니다.
- 다양한 컴퓨터 프로그램 사용에 대한 친숙함.
- 다양하거나 어려운 상황에 처한 사람들과 효과적으로 소통하세요. 예를 들어, 다른 사람들을 진정시키고, 의사소통 장벽이 있는 사람들과 소통하며, 소외된 사람들을 돕고, 사적이고 불쾌한 선택지를 직접 만나서 전화로 논의하세요.
- 복잡한 기술 규정과 절차를 처리하고 복잡한 상황을 해석하며 빈번한 정책 및 절차 변경에 적응할 수 있습니다.
- 자격을 결정할 때 개인적인 편견을 자제하세요.
- 여러 작업을 여러 번 중단하면서 우선순위를 정하고 수행할 수 있습니다.
관심 있으신가요? 오늘 신청하세요:
- 업데이트된 이력서
- 자기소개서
- 현재 연락처 정보를 포함한 세 가지 전문가 참고 자료
사회보건서비스부(DSHS)의 비전은 다음과 같습니다 p사람들은 자신의 삶을 형성하기 위해 인간 서비스를 찾습니다. 우리는 소속감, 공동의 목적, 공유된 가치, 그리고 의미 있는 일을 함께 해야 합니다. DSHS와의 협력에 있어 형평성, 반인종차별, 그리고 사회 정의에 대한 헌신을 제공하는 것이 우리 기관의 비전에 매우 중요합니다. 우리는 흑인, 원주민, 유색인종 등 우리가 봉사하는 지역사회, 신체적, 행동적 건강, 지적 장애를 가진 사람들, 노인, 성소수자+ 개인, 이민자 및 난민, 그리고 재정적 안정을 구축하는 가족들에게 더 큰 접근성과 긍정적인 대표성을 제공하기 위해 노력하고 있습니다.
질문이 있나요? 문의해 주세요 [email protected] OR 전화 (360) 725-5810 및 참조 작업 번호 #01697.
보충 정보
신규 채용 전에 범죄 기록을 포함한 신원 조회를 실시할 수 있습니다. 신원 조회 정보가 반드시 취업을 배제하는 것은 아니지만 지원자의 직무 수행 적합성과 역량을 판단하는 데 고려됩니다. 이 공고는 여러 공석을 채우는 데 사용될 수 있습니다. 주 업무를 수행하는 직원은 유효한 운전면허증을 소지하고 있어야 합니다. 주 업무를 수행하는 개인 차량을 운전하는 직원은 개인 차량에 대한 책임 보험에 가입해야 합니다.
워싱턴 주 사회보건서비스국은 동등한 기회를 제공하는 고용주로서, 연령, 성별, 성적 지향, 성별, 성 정체성/표현, 결혼 상태, 인종, 신조, 피부색, 국적, 종교 또는 신념, 정치적 소속, 군대 상태, 명예 제대 참전용사, 베트남 시대, 최근 분리되거나 기타 보호받는 참전용사 지위, 감각적, 정신적, 신체적 장애의 존재 또는 장애, 동등한 급여 또는 유전 정보를 가진 사람이 훈련된 개 안내나 서비스 동물을 사용하는 것을 차별하지 않습니다. 지원 과정이나 이 채용 공고에 적응이 필요한 사람은 (360) 725-5810으로 연락할 수 있습니다. 청각 장애인이나 난청인 지원자는 워싱턴 중계 서비스를 통해 7-1-1 또는 1-800-833-6384로 전화하여 전화할 수 있습니다.
E-Verify®는 미국 국토안보부의 등록 상표입니다
SeattleKR Job Analysis
DSHS ALTSA Public Benefits Specialist 4
Key Skills and Qualifications
Technical Skills
Soft Skills
Physical Requirements
No specific physical requirements mentioned in the job description.
Sample Interview Questions and Answers
Question 1: Describe how you would independently determine eligibility for a client seeking Long-term Services and Support (LTSS) under the HCB Waiver Services program. What steps would you take to ensure compliance with Washington Administrative Code (WAC) and Revised Code of Washington (RCW)?
Using multiple computer systems, I would input and analyze data related to the client’s financial status, including income, assets, and any transfers that could affect their eligibility. Part of this process involves using a statewide asset verification system to assess the impact of real property transactions like sales or quit claims.
I ensure compliance with WAC and RCW by thoroughly reading and interpreting these codes, along with procedural manuals and policy clarifications specific to LTSS programs. Understanding these regulations is crucial for making accurate eligibility decisions and preventing incorrect payments. Additionally, I maintain a record of all information gathered and decisions made during the determination process to facilitate audits or reviews.
In cases where there are complex financial scenarios, such as trusts or life estates, I may seek guidance from agency social workers or legal representatives if necessary. My ultimate goal is to ensure that all eligibility determinations are conducted accurately and in full compliance with applicable laws and policies.
Question 2: Explain how you would handle a situation where you discover an overpayment of Medicaid Personal Care benefits. What steps would you take to correct the issue, and how would you communicate this to the client?
Once confirmed, I would calculate the precise amount of the overpayment and determine if it needs immediate repayment or can be adjusted over future payments. To correct the issue, I would initiate a repayment plan with the client, explaining all options available, such as setting up installment payments if the full amount cannot be repaid immediately.
Communication with the client is key throughout this process. I would arrange a meeting, either in-person or via telephone, to discuss the overpayment in detail. During this conversation, I’d explain how the overpayment occurred and present the repayment options clearly. It’s important to provide them with written documentation outlining the steps we’re taking to correct the issue.
Additionally, I would ensure all actions taken are documented accurately within our system for future reference and audit purposes. Throughout the process, maintaining empathy and understanding towards the client's situation is crucial, as they may be financially strained due to their dependence on Medicaid benefits.
Question 3: How do you use a statewide asset verification and real property database in your role? Provide an example scenario where this tool would impact a client’s eligibility for public assistance.
For example, consider a scenario where a client is applying for Medicaid Personal Care services and has recently sold a property. The database provides insights into the sale, including transaction details like sales price and date of transfer. This information helps me determine if the proceeds from the sale impact their asset limits for eligibility purposes.
In this case, if the proceeds exceed the allowable asset limit, it might render them ineligible for benefits until the assets are spent down according to program guidelines. I would analyze this data and communicate with the client about how best to utilize these funds in a way that aligns with their needs while remaining compliant with Medicaid rules.
Using the database ensures accurate eligibility determinations by providing comprehensive asset information, which is crucial for preventing both underpayments and overpayments of benefits.
Original Job Description
DSHS ALTSA HCS Public Benefits Specialist 4
Aging and Long-Term Support Administration (ALTSA), Home and Community Services (HCS) is currently seeking a Public Benefits Specialist (PBS4) in Spokane, WA. As an HCS PBS, you will provide comprehensive consultation about complex eligibility qualifications and skilled financial guidance to high-risk clients who are financially and medically dependent upon a full range of services and supports.
Home and Community Services is a division of the Aging & Long-Term Support Administration (ALTSA) which promotes, plans, develops, and provides an array of long-term services and supports to people who have disabilities, are seniors, or have caregivers to maximize their independence, dignity, and quality of life.
This role will start in office for training and it has the opportunity for telework with management discretion.
Some of what you will do:
- Independently determines and re-determines ongoing eligibility for Long-term Services and support programs such as: HCB Waiver Services, hospice, alternate care service programs, nursing facility, institutional care, Medicaid Personal Care, and Community First Choice.
- Conduct intensive, confidential in-person and telephone interviews with clients, client representatives, attorneys, medical providers, and guardians; arrange accessibility, reasonable accommodations, or interpreters when necessary to determine eligibility and post-eligibility for long-term services and supports, financial, medical, WASHCAP, and food assistance benefits.
- Recognize and recalculate incorrect payments of grants, food benefits, medical assistance, and long-term services and supports, and establishes overpayments and underpayments.
- Provides professional case management and evaluates services for a broad range of clients seeking long-term services and supports.
- Acts as a source of information for agency social workers (internal and external), medical providers, guardians, authorized representatives, and attorneys.
- Input and receive data using multiple computer systems
- Analyzes written and oral information received which includes court orders, contracts, insurance policies, trusts, life estates, and promissory notes. Obtaining and reviewing necessary data, documentation and verification for each program of assistance as it relates to the recipients’ specific circumstances.
- Reads and interprets Washington Administrative Code WAC, Revised Code of Washington (RCW), procedural manuals, policies, and policy clarifications.
- Uses a statewide asset verification and real property database to analyze impacts of real property transfers, quit claims and sales and understand applicability to a client’s eligibility.
- Respond to case audits and make corrections
- Provide office coverage for clerical as scheduled
Who should apply:
Professionals with 12 months of experience as a Public Benefits Specialist 3.OR
A bachelor’s degree or higher AND Twelve months of experience as a Public Benefits Specialist 2 determining eligibility for public assistance or long-term care services.OR
Five years of combined higher education and/or equivalent experience* may substitute for degree and PBS work experience requirements. Total must include at least one year’s equivalent work experience.
*Examples of equivalent experience include but are not limited to:
Providing eligibility for services or direct customer service serving historically marginalized communities.Experience examining/processing loan applications.
Medical insurance or rehabilitation claims.
Unemployment insurance claims.
Providing staff support in financial eligibility determination, or in a job analyzing, verifying, and evaluating financial data and information
Satisfactory completion of the agency’s Public Benefits Specialist Training Program.
Note: Out-of-state experience conducting financial eligibility determination for public assistance to include financial, medical and food benefit programs will be considered toward experience.
Preferred skills, knowledge, and abilities:
- Rules and requirements governing the administration of long-term care programs; state and federal medical assistance programs, Home & Community based waivers, institutional program eligibility, Community First Choice, Medicaid Personal Care, Medicaid Alternative Care, Tailored Supports for Older Adults, Aged, Blind, Disabled cash assistance, Basic Food, and WASHCAP.
- Empathic to the philosophy of public assistance programs; state and federal welfare laws, rules, and regulations; principles, problems, and practices of public welfare administration; social and economic conditions, and their effects upon people.
- Can apply mathematical principles to calculations.
- Familiarity with using various computer programs.
- Communicate effectively with people in diverse or difficult situations, including calming others, engaging with people who have communication barriers, assisting underserved populations, and discussing private and unpleasant options, in person and over the phone.
- Can work with complex technical regulations and procedures, and interpret complex situations and adapt to frequent policy and procedure changes.
- Refrain from personal bias when determining eligibility.
- Capable to prioritize and perform multiple tasks with numerous interruptions.
Interested? Apply Today:
- Updated resume
- Cover letter
- Three professional references with current contact information
The Department of Social and Health Services’ (DSHS) vision that people find human services to shape their own lives requires that we come together with a sense of belonging, common purpose, shared values, and meaningful work. It is crucial to our agency’s vision that you bring an equity, anti-racism, and social justice commitment to your work with DSHS. We strive to create greater access and affirming representation of the communities we serve, including Black, Indigenous, and People of Color, people with physical, behavioral health, and intellectual disabilities, elders, LGBTQIA+ individuals, immigrants and refugees, and families building financial security.
Questions? Please contact [email protected] OR call (360) 725-5810 and reference job number #01697.
Supplemental Information
Prior to a new hire, a background check including criminal record history may be conducted. Information from the background check will not necessarily preclude employment but will be considered in determining the applicant's suitability and competence to perform in the job. This announcement may be used to fill multiple vacancies. Employees driving on state business must have a valid driver's license. Employees driving a privately owned vehicle on state business must have liability insurance on the privately owned vehicle.
Washington State Department of Social and Health Services is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate in any area of employment, its programs or services on the basis of age, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity/expression, marital status, race, creed, color, national origin, religion or beliefs, political affiliation, military status, honorably discharged veteran, Vietnam Era, recently separated or other protected veteran status, the presence of any sensory, mental, physical disability or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability, equal pay or genetic information. Persons requiring accommodation in the application process or this job announcement in an alternative format may contact the Recruiter at (360) 725-5810. Applicants who are deaf or hard of hearing may call through Washington Relay Service by dialing 7-1-1 or 1-800-833-6384.
E-Verify® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security