시애틀KR 직업 분석
DSHS ALTSA 지원 주택 프로그램 관리자
Key Skills and Qualifications
Technical Skills
Soft Skills
Physical Requirements
Sample Interview Questions and Answers
Question 1: Describe how you would implement a trauma-informed care training program for supportive housing providers. What key components and strategies would you include in this training?
1. **Understanding Trauma**: Introducing foundational concepts about how trauma affects individuals' behavior and interactions, emphasizing its prevalence among people with mental illness or substance use disorders.
2. **Principles of Trauma-Informed Care**: Explaining the core principles such as safety, trustworthiness, peer support, collaboration, empowerment, and cultural sensitivity.
3. **Practical Application**: Providing case studies and role-playing exercises to demonstrate how these principles can be applied in real-world scenarios within supportive housing environments.
4. **Recognizing Trauma Triggers**: Training staff on identifying potential trauma triggers in the housing environment and developing strategies for mitigating their impact.
5. **Communication Skills**: Enhancing skills such as active listening, empathy, and non-verbal communication to create a supportive atmosphere.
6. **Crisis Management and De-escalation Techniques**: Equipping providers with tools and techniques to manage crises safely and effectively without escalating the situation.
7. **Self-Care for Staff**: Offering resources and strategies to prevent burnout among staff, emphasizing the importance of maintaining their own mental health while supporting others.
Strategies would include interactive workshops, ongoing support through follow-up sessions, and creating a feedback loop with participants to continuously improve the program based on their experiences and challenges encountered in practice.
Question 2: How would you use data analysis to monitor provider metrics and contract performance for supportive housing services? Provide an example of a specific metric you might analyze and how it could inform improvements.
1. **Identify Key Metrics**: Collaborate with stakeholders to determine which metrics are most critical, such as housing retention rates, client satisfaction scores, or the number of emergency interventions required.
2. **Data Collection**: Set up a systematic process for collecting data from various sources like provider reports, client feedback forms, and administrative records.
3. **Analysis Tools**: Utilize software tools (e.g., Excel, SPSS, Tableau) to analyze trends, identify patterns, and generate actionable insights from the collected data.
4. **Benchmarking**: Compare performance against established benchmarks or industry standards to assess areas of strength and those needing improvement.
As an example, I would analyze the housing retention rate over six months post-move-in. If data shows a significant drop in retention after three months, it might indicate underlying issues like insufficient support services or unresolved client challenges. By drilling down into this metric, we could identify specific causes—such as gaps in mental health services or inadequate crisis planning—and address them by enhancing provider training or adjusting service delivery models to better meet clients' needs.
Question 3: What strategies would you employ to coordinate and collaborate with intergovernmental and community partners to enhance the supportive housing system of care?
1. **Stakeholder Mapping**: Identify all relevant partners, including local behavioral health providers, housing authorities, and non-profits, to understand their roles and contributions.
2. **Regular Communication Channels**: Establish regular meetings or communication platforms (e.g., monthly check-ins, shared online workspaces) to ensure consistent dialogue and information sharing among stakeholders.
3. **Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs)**: Develop MOUs with key partners outlining roles, responsibilities, and mutual expectations to provide a clear framework for collaboration.
4. **Joint Training Sessions**: Organize joint training sessions on relevant topics such as harm reduction or mental health first aid to foster a shared understanding of best practices among all stakeholders.
5. **Collaborative Goal Setting**: Work with partners to set common goals and objectives for the supportive housing system, ensuring alignment across different entities.
6. **Feedback Mechanisms**: Implement mechanisms for regular feedback from partners and program beneficiaries to identify areas for improvement and celebrate successes.
7. **Resource Sharing**: Encourage sharing of resources like funding opportunities, training materials, or community contacts to maximize impact and efficiency.
By leveraging these strategies, I would aim to build a cohesive network that supports individuals in achieving stable independent living while addressing their mental health and substance use challenges.
원본 채용 공고
DSHS ALTSA 지원 주택 프로그램 관리자
ALTSA 지원 주택 부서에서 지원 주택 프로그램 관리자를 즉시 채용할 수 있습니다. 정신 질환 및/또는 약물 사용 장애가 있는 사람들과 협력하는 모범 사례에 대한 교육을 제공하는 데 열정을 가진 사람을 찾고 있습니다. 교육은 다음과 같습니다:
- 위기 계획, 정신 건강 인식, 행동 건강 장애 진단을 받은 사람들과의 실질적인 참여, 경계, 완화, 적극적인 경청, 외상 정보 제공, 피해 감소, 정신 건강 응급 처치, 그리고 지역 사회 행동 건강 서비스 참여 방법.
- 귀하는 저희 지원 주택 제공업체에 상담을 제공하고, 위기 계획을 지원하며, 복잡한 사례에 대한 사례 회의를 제공할 것입니다.
독립 주택 확보에 큰 장벽이 있는 사람들을 위해 독립 주택 옵션과 서비스를 늘리기 위해 노력하는 창의적인 사람들로 구성된 팀에 합류하세요. 우리 팀의 일원으로서, 귀하는 지원 주택 제공자, 장기 서비스 제공자, 그리고 제공자, 지역 사회 파트너 및 부서 직원들과 긴밀히 협력하여 우리가 서비스하는 고객들이 독립 주택에서 성공적인 전환을 이루고 안정화될 수 있도록 지원할 것입니다. 이 직책은 주 전역의 서비스를 감독할 책임이 있습니다. 이 역할은 주택 및 지역 서비스 사무소(HCS) 본부 내의 지원 주택 부서 관리자에게 보고됩니다. 주요 사무실 배정 측면에서 약간의 유연성이 있을 수 있습니다. 이 직책은 주 전역 및 지역 여행을 포함합니다.
주요 업무는 다음과 같습니다:
- 다양한 주제와 이해관계자를 위한 행동 건강 중점 교육을 만들고 실행하세요.
- 지원 주택 계약 제공업체를 위한 복잡한 사례 인력 회의를 조정, 일정 조정 및 운영합니다.
- 지원 주택 계약 제공업체에게 행동 건강에 중점을 둔 상담을 제공합니다.
- 기존 지원 주택과 장기적인 서비스 및 지원을 최적화하여 활용할 수 있도록 지원합니다.
- 공급업체 지표와 계약 성과를 모니터링하여 구성원을 위한 고품질 서비스를 만듭니다.
- 지역 행동 건강 제공자, 주택 당국, 관리 관리 기관, 의료 당국, 비영리 및 영리 주택 제공자, 민간 임대인과 같은 정부 간 및 지역 사회 파트너와 협력하여 지원 주택 시스템을 강화하세요.
사회 및 보건 프로그램 컨설턴트 3년 이상의 경력;
사회 및 보건 프로그램 컨설턴트 2년 이상의 경력;
사회복지학, 보건 또는 사회과학, 행정학 또는 관련 분야의 석사 학위; 그리고,
사회적, 재정적, 건강 또는 화학적 의존 치료 서비스 프로그램을 기획, 관리, 개발 또는 제공하는 데 있어 4년간의 전문적인 경험;
사회복지학, 보건 또는 사회과학, 행정학 또는 관련 분야의 학사 학위; 그리고
사회적, 재정적, 건강 또는 화학적 의존 치료 서비스 프로그램을 기획, 관리, 개발 또는 제공하는 데 있어 5년간의 전문적인 경험;
사회적, 재정적, 건강 또는 화학적 의존 치료 서비스 프로그램을 기획, 관리, 개발 또는 제공한 10년간의 전문가/practical 실무 경험의 결합.
우리가 찾고 있는 것
- 저소득층 주택 및 관련 커뮤니티 서비스의 원칙과 관행에 대한 경험
- 가정 및 지역사회 기반 장기 서비스 제공에 대한 실무 지식.
- 당신은 훈련과 기술 지원을 제공하는 능력을 입증했습니다.
- 커뮤니티 개발 및 프로젝트 계획 기술
- 데이터 수집 및 분석 능력 입증.
- 당신은 여러 분야의 팀에서 일할 수 있는 능력을 입증했습니다.
- 뛰어난 의사소통 및 프레젠테이션 기술
- 노숙자, 행동 건강 문제, 약물 사용 장애, 법적 문제 등 장애가 있는 개인을 위한 독립적인 주거 기회를 개발하기 위한 노력.
1. 현재 이력서
2. 이 직업과 관련된 귀하의 경험을 설명하는 관심 편지
3. 세 가지 전문 참조
사람들이 자신의 삶을 형성하기 위해 인간 서비스를 찾는다는 사회보건서비스부(DSHS)의 비전은 우리가 소속감, 공동의 목적, 공유된 가치, 의미 있는 일을 함께 해야 한다는 것을 요구합니다. DSHS와의 업무에 형평성, 반인종주의, 사회 정의를 부여하는 것이 우리 기관의 비전에 매우 중요합니다. 우리는 흑인, 원주민, 유색인종 등 우리가 봉사하는 지역사회, 신체적, 행동적 건강, 지적 장애를 가진 사람들, 노인, 성소수자+ 개인, 이민자 및 난민, 재정적 안정을 구축하는 가족 등 더 많은 접근성과 긍정적인 대표성을 창출하기 위해 노력하고 있습니다.
직업 번호 01815에 대한 질문이 있으신가요? 연락처 [email protected] .
보충 정보
신규 채용 전에 범죄 기록을 포함한 신원 조회를 실시할 수 있습니다. 신원 조회 정보가 반드시 취업을 배제하는 것은 아니지만 지원자의 직무 수행 적합성과 역량을 판단하는 데 고려됩니다. 이 공고는 여러 공석을 채우는 데 사용될 수 있습니다. 주 업무를 수행하는 직원은 유효한 운전면허증을 소지하고 있어야 합니다. 주 업무를 수행하는 개인 차량을 운전하는 직원은 개인 차량에 대한 책임 보험에 가입해야 합니다.
워싱턴 주 사회보건서비스국은 동등한 기회를 제공하는 고용주로서, 연령, 성별, 성적 지향, 성별, 성 정체성/표현, 결혼 상태, 인종, 신조, 피부색, 국적, 종교 또는 신념, 정치적 소속, 군대 상태, 명예 제대 참전용사, 베트남 시대, 최근 분리되거나 기타 보호받는 참전용사 지위, 감각적, 정신적, 신체적 장애의 존재 또는 장애, 동등한 급여 또는 유전 정보를 가진 사람이 훈련된 개 안내나 서비스 동물을 사용하는 것을 차별하지 않습니다. 지원 과정이나 이 채용 공고에 필요한 사람은 (360) 725-5810으로 연락할 수 있습니다. 청각 장애인이나 난청인 지원자는 워싱턴 중계 서비스를 통해 7-1-1 또는 1-800-833-6384로 전화하여 전화할 수 있습니다.
E-Verify®는 미국 국토안보부의 등록 상표입니다
SeattleKR Job Analysis
DSHS ALTSA Supportive Housing Program Manager
Key Skills and Qualifications
Technical Skills
Soft Skills
Physical Requirements
Sample Interview Questions and Answers
Question 1: Describe how you would implement a trauma-informed care training program for supportive housing providers. What key components and strategies would you include in this training?
1. **Understanding Trauma**: Introducing foundational concepts about how trauma affects individuals' behavior and interactions, emphasizing its prevalence among people with mental illness or substance use disorders.
2. **Principles of Trauma-Informed Care**: Explaining the core principles such as safety, trustworthiness, peer support, collaboration, empowerment, and cultural sensitivity.
3. **Practical Application**: Providing case studies and role-playing exercises to demonstrate how these principles can be applied in real-world scenarios within supportive housing environments.
4. **Recognizing Trauma Triggers**: Training staff on identifying potential trauma triggers in the housing environment and developing strategies for mitigating their impact.
5. **Communication Skills**: Enhancing skills such as active listening, empathy, and non-verbal communication to create a supportive atmosphere.
6. **Crisis Management and De-escalation Techniques**: Equipping providers with tools and techniques to manage crises safely and effectively without escalating the situation.
7. **Self-Care for Staff**: Offering resources and strategies to prevent burnout among staff, emphasizing the importance of maintaining their own mental health while supporting others.
Strategies would include interactive workshops, ongoing support through follow-up sessions, and creating a feedback loop with participants to continuously improve the program based on their experiences and challenges encountered in practice.
Question 2: How would you use data analysis to monitor provider metrics and contract performance for supportive housing services? Provide an example of a specific metric you might analyze and how it could inform improvements.
1. **Identify Key Metrics**: Collaborate with stakeholders to determine which metrics are most critical, such as housing retention rates, client satisfaction scores, or the number of emergency interventions required.
2. **Data Collection**: Set up a systematic process for collecting data from various sources like provider reports, client feedback forms, and administrative records.
3. **Analysis Tools**: Utilize software tools (e.g., Excel, SPSS, Tableau) to analyze trends, identify patterns, and generate actionable insights from the collected data.
4. **Benchmarking**: Compare performance against established benchmarks or industry standards to assess areas of strength and those needing improvement.
As an example, I would analyze the housing retention rate over six months post-move-in. If data shows a significant drop in retention after three months, it might indicate underlying issues like insufficient support services or unresolved client challenges. By drilling down into this metric, we could identify specific causes—such as gaps in mental health services or inadequate crisis planning—and address them by enhancing provider training or adjusting service delivery models to better meet clients' needs.
Question 3: What strategies would you employ to coordinate and collaborate with intergovernmental and community partners to enhance the supportive housing system of care?
1. **Stakeholder Mapping**: Identify all relevant partners, including local behavioral health providers, housing authorities, and non-profits, to understand their roles and contributions.
2. **Regular Communication Channels**: Establish regular meetings or communication platforms (e.g., monthly check-ins, shared online workspaces) to ensure consistent dialogue and information sharing among stakeholders.
3. **Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs)**: Develop MOUs with key partners outlining roles, responsibilities, and mutual expectations to provide a clear framework for collaboration.
4. **Joint Training Sessions**: Organize joint training sessions on relevant topics such as harm reduction or mental health first aid to foster a shared understanding of best practices among all stakeholders.
5. **Collaborative Goal Setting**: Work with partners to set common goals and objectives for the supportive housing system, ensuring alignment across different entities.
6. **Feedback Mechanisms**: Implement mechanisms for regular feedback from partners and program beneficiaries to identify areas for improvement and celebrate successes.
7. **Resource Sharing**: Encourage sharing of resources like funding opportunities, training materials, or community contacts to maximize impact and efficiency.
By leveraging these strategies, I would aim to build a cohesive network that supports individuals in achieving stable independent living while addressing their mental health and substance use challenges.
Original Job Description
DSHS ALTSA Supportive Housing Program Manager
The ALTSA Supportive Housing Unit has an immediate opening for a Supportive Housing Program Manager. We’re looking for someone with a passion for training providers on best practices in working with individuals with mental illness and/or substance use disorders. You’ll provide trainings on:
- Crisis planning, mental health awareness, practical engagement with individuals diagnosed with behavioral health disorders, boundaries, de-escalation, active listening, trauma informed care, harm reduction, mental health first aid, and how to engage community behavioral health service.
- You will provide consultation to our supportive housing providers, assist in crisis planning and provide case conferencing for complex cases.
Join our team of creative individuals working to increase independent housing options and services for people with high barriers to securing independent housing. As a member of our team, you will work closely with supportive housing providers, long term service and supports providers, community partners and department staff to create successful transitions and stabilize in independent housing for the clients we serve. The position will be responsible for oversight of services statewide. This role reports to the Supportive Housing Unit Manager within the Office of Housing and Employment within Home and Community Services (HCS) Headquarters. There may be some flexibility in terms of primary office assignment. The position involves statewide and local travel.
Primary duties include:
- Create and implement behavioral health focused training for a broad range of topics and stakeholders.
- Coordinate, schedule and run complex case staffing meetings for supportive housing contracted providers.
- Provide behavioral health focused consultation to supportive housing contracted providers .
- Assist in achieving optimal utilization of existing Supportive Housing and long-term services and supports.
- Monitor provider metrics and contract performance to create high-quality services for our constituents.
- Coordinate and collaborate with intergovernmental and community partners such as local behavioral health providers, housing authorities, Managed Care Organizations, Health Care Authority, non-profit and for-profit housing providers, and private landlords to increase Supportive Housing systems of care.
One year of experience as a Social and Health Program Consultant 3 or equivalent;
Two years of experience as a Social and Health Program Consultant 2 or equivalent;
A master’s degree in social work, a health or social science, public administration or a related field; and,
Four years of professional experience in planning, administering, developing, or delivering social, financial, health, or chemical dependency treatment services programs;
A bachelor’s degree in social work, a health or social science, public administration or a related field; AND
Five years of professional experience in planning, administering, developing, or delivering social, financial, health, or chemical dependency treatment services programs;
a combination of professional/practical hands-on experience of ten years in planning, administering, developing, or delivering social, financial, health, or chemical dependency treatment services programs.
What we're looking for
- Experience with principles and practices of low-income housing and related community services
- Working knowledge of home and community-based long-term service delivery.
- You have demonstrated the ability to provide training and technical assistance.
- Skills in community development and project planning
- Demonstrated ability to collect and analyze data.
- You have demonstrated ability to work in a multi-disciplinary team.
- Excellent communication and presentation skills
- Commitment to developing independent housing opportunities for individuals with barriers including homelessness, behavioral health challenges, substance use disorders, and legal issues.
1. Current resume
2. Letter of interest which describes your experience as it relates to this job
3. Three professional references
The Department of Social and Health Services’ (DSHS) vision that People find human services to shape their own lives requires that we come together with a sense of belonging, common purpose, shared values, and meaningful work. It is crucial to our agency’s vision that you bring an equity, anti-racism, and social justice commitment to your work with DSHS. We strive to create greater access and affirming representation of the communities we serve, including Black, Indigenous, and People of Color, people with physical, behavioral health, and intellectual disabilities, elders, LGBTQIA+ individuals, immigrants and refugees, and families building financial security.
Questions about job number 01815? Contact [email protected].
Supplemental Information
Prior to a new hire, a background check including criminal record history may be conducted. Information from the background check will not necessarily preclude employment but will be considered in determining the applicant’s suitability and competence to perform in the job. This announcement may be used to fill multiple vacancies. Employees driving on state business must have a valid driver's license. Employees driving a privately owned vehicle on state business must have liability insurance on the privately owned vehicle.
Washington State Department of Social and Health Services is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate in any area of employment, its programs or services on the basis of age, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity/expression, marital status, race, creed, color, national origin, religion or beliefs, political affiliation, military status, honorably discharged veteran, Vietnam Era, recently separated or other protected veteran status, the presence of any sensory, mental, physical disability or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability, equal pay or genetic information. Persons requiring accommodation in the application process or this job announcement in an alternative format may contact the Recruiter at (360) 725-5810. Applicants who are deaf or hard of hearing may call through Washington Relay Service by dialing 7-1-1 or 1-800-833-6384.
E-Verify® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security