$20.45 - $28.66 Hourly

DSHS DDA Direct Support Professional

Dept. of Social and Health Services
Yakima, WA
고용형태: Various Job Types

시애틀KR 직업 분석

DSHS DDA 다이렉트 지원 전문가

Key Skills and Qualifications

Technical Skills

Medication administration
Implement Individual Support Plan programs
Utilize an electronic data system for client records

Soft Skills

Outgoing and friendly
Accurate and clear written communication
Punctual and responsible
Ability to work with challenging individuals
Effectively communicate with management, peers, residents, and the public
Work in a team and independently


High school diploma/GED
One year of experience working with people with developmental disabilities
Paid training position available if lacking experience

Physical Requirements

No specific physical requirements mentioned in the job description.

Sample Interview Questions and Answers

Question 1: Describe how you would implement an Individual Support Plan (ISP) for a client with developmental disabilities. What are some key components and considerations in creating and executing this plan?

Implementing an Individual Support Plan (ISP) involves several critical steps to ensure that it effectively supports the client's unique needs. First, I would collaborate closely with the client, their family, healthcare providers, and any other relevant parties to gather comprehensive information about the client’s strengths, preferences, goals, and challenges. Key components of the ISP include:

1. **Assessment**: Conduct a thorough assessment of the client's physical, behavioral, emotional health, and daily living skills.
2. **Goal Setting**: Develop specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals in collaboration with the client to ensure they are meaningful and centered on their aspirations.
3. **Support Strategies**: Outline practical strategies and interventions that align with the client’s goals, such as skill-building activities or environmental modifications.
4. **Monitoring and Evaluation**: Establish a schedule for regular review meetings to monitor progress towards goals and make necessary adjustments to the plan. This ensures continuous improvement and adaptation to changing needs.

Considerations include maintaining open communication with all stakeholders, respecting the client's autonomy and preferences, and adhering to any relevant legal or ethical guidelines. Consistently documenting progress using an electronic data system is essential for transparency and accountability.

Question 2: How would you handle a situation where a client exhibits challenging behavior in a public setting? What strategies can be applied to de-escalate the situation while maintaining safety and dignity?

Handling challenging behavior, especially in a public setting, requires calmness, empathy, and strategic intervention. Here's how I would approach such a situation:

1. **Stay Calm**: First and foremost, remain calm and composed to avoid escalating the situation further.
2. **Assess Safety**: Quickly assess whether there is any immediate danger to the client or others. If necessary, move to a safer location.
3. **Use De-escalation Techniques**: Employ verbal de-escalation techniques such as speaking in a low, calm voice; acknowledging their feelings by saying something like ‘I can see this is upsetting’; and offering choices when possible to give the client some control over the situation.
4. **Non-verbal Cues**: Utilize non-threatening body language—keeping an open stance and avoiding direct confrontation—to make the environment feel safer for the client.
5. **Follow the ISP**: Refer back to any behavioral strategies outlined in their Individual Support Plan that might be effective during such incidents.
6. **Seek Assistance if Needed**: If the behavior escalates beyond control, do not hesitate to seek help from colleagues or authorities to ensure everyone's safety.

After the situation has been managed, it is important to reflect on what happened, document the incident thoroughly, and discuss any necessary adjustments with the client during their next ISP review. This approach prioritizes maintaining the dignity of the client while ensuring safety for all involved.

Question 3: What are some effective ways to build a trusting relationship with clients who have developmental disabilities? Discuss how these relationships impact your work as a Direct Support Professional.

Building a trusting relationship with clients is foundational in providing effective support. Here are some strategies to foster trust:

1. **Consistency**: Be reliable and consistent in interactions, which helps the client feel secure knowing what to expect from you.
2. **Active Listening**: Show genuine interest by listening actively to their concerns and preferences. This validates their feelings and promotes mutual respect.
3. **Empathy and Patience**: Demonstrate empathy for their experiences and be patient, recognizing that they may need more time or different communication methods to express themselves.
4. **Respect and Empowerment**: Respect their choices and encourage independence by supporting them in making decisions about their daily activities and goals.
5. **Personalized Interaction**: Take the time to learn about their interests, preferences, and history to personalize interactions that resonate with them personally.

A strong relationship based on trust significantly impacts my work as a Direct Support Professional by enhancing communication, cooperation, and client satisfaction. When clients trust me, they are more likely to engage actively in their ISP goals, share important information regarding their well-being, and participate in community activities, leading to better outcomes and a higher quality of life.

원본 채용 공고


DSHS 직접 지원 전문가/수행원 상담사 2 
일에 열정을 쏟고 싶으신가요? 이 직업에서는 발달 장애가 있는 성인들이 가정에서 충만하고 힘 있는 삶을 살 수 있도록 도울 것입니다. 각 개인은 고유한 지원 요구 사항을 가지고 있으며, 요리, 개인 돌봄 업무, 가사 업무, 지역 사회 활동, 약물 투여 및 신체적, 행동적, 정서적 건강을 유지하기 위한 지원이 포함될 수 있습니다. 이 필수 직책은 유급 교육, 뛰어난 혜택, 변화를 가져올 수 있는 능력을 제공합니다!

저희는 전담 정규직 및 통화 중인 다이렉트 지원 전문가를 채용하고 있습니다. 


국가 운영 생활 대안(SOLA) 내 발달장애인청 는 주간, 스윙, 야간 근무, 파트타임 기회를 포함하여 다이렉트 케어 제공자에게 여러 가지 기회를 제공합니다. SOLA에 대해 자세히 알아보기 여기 (PDF 리더 다운로드) 


이 채용 공고는 어텐던트 카운슬러 2로 작성하거나 이 전문 분야에서 필요한 기술을 개발하기 위한 교육 중으로 작성할 수 있습니다. 6-12개월의 교육 계획을 성공적으로 완료하면 어텐던트 카운슬러 2의 목표와 임금으로 점진적으로 나아갈 수 있습니다. 


이 작업장에서 주 3일 이상 현장에서 수행되는 기회는 광고된 급여 외에 추가로 5%의 프리미엄 급여를 받을 수 있습니다. 

경쟁력 있는 급여와 훌륭한 주 혜택을 받을 수 있습니다 

  • 지적 장애를 가진 사람들을 지도하고, 가르치고, 멘토링하세요 
  • 모든 일상 생활 기술 분야의 고객 지원 및 교육 
  • 개별 지원 계획 프로그램, 계획 및 서비스 구현 
  • 고객을 약속 또는 커뮤니티 내 기타 활동에 운송하고 동행합니다 
  • 사람들과의 관계 형성 
  • 거주자의 집을 안전하고 깨끗하게 유지하세요 
  • 참가자 정보를 검토, 수집 및 기록하고 가정 관리에 중요하거나 관련된 정보를 보고합니다 
  • 전자 데이터 시스템을 활용하여 고객 기록 및 기타 보고서 유지 관리  

새로운 커리어를 시작하려면 다음 사항을 알려드립니다  

상담원 2 ($22.98 - $27.96)   

  • 고등학교 졸업장/검정고시 및 정신 건강 시설, 요양원, 병원 또는 주거 환경에서 발달 장애인과 함께 일한 경력 1년. 


1년의 경력이 부족하다면 유급 교육직으로 채용할 수 있습니다: 


상담사 2 교육 중($21.90-$26.62)    

  • 고등학교 졸업장 또는 검정고시.  
  • 이 직책에서는 보조 상담사 2 직책에 자격을 갖추는 데 필요한 경험과 지식을 쌓으면서 보수를 받습니다. 

기술 및 능력: 

  • 외향적이고 친절한 
  • 전자 및 구두로 정확하고 명확한 서면 커뮤니케이션을 제공하는 능력 
  • 시간 엄수 및 책임감 
  • 도전적인 사람들과 함께 일할 수 있는 능력 
  • 필요에 따라 경영진, 동료, 주민 및 대중과 효과적으로 소통하세요 
  • 팀과 혼자서도 일할 수 있습니다 
  • 정책 및 절차를 읽고 따를 수 있습니다 
  • 훌륭한 업무 습관을 유지하세요. 

참고: 귀하의 시작 시간당 요금은 귀하의 교육과 경험에 따라 달라질 것입니다. 

다른 사람들을 돕는 데 도움을 주셔야 합니다! 여러분의 눈에 띄셨다면 여러분의 의견을 듣고 싶습니다! 

관심 있으신가요? 신청서를 작성하고 이력서와 세 개의 참고 자료를 첨부하기만 하면 됩니다. 그게 다입니다! 저희가 이 문제를 쉽게 해결해 드리고 싶습니다.

질문이 있나요? 리크루티터, 모건 다기에게 이메일로 연락하세요 [email protected] 또는 전화 주요 인재 확보 라인 360-725-5810 참조 01834.  DSHS에 대해 자세히 알아보려면 다음 항목으로 이동합니다 www.dshs.wa.gov.
사회보건서비스부(DSHS)의 비전은 다음과 같습니다 p사람들은 자신의 삶을 형성하기 위해 인간 서비스를 찾습니다. 우리는 소속감, 공동의 목적, 공유된 가치, 그리고 의미 있는 일을 함께 해야 합니다. DSHS와의 협력에 있어 형평성, 반인종차별, 그리고 사회 정의에 대한 헌신을 제공하는 것이 우리 기관의 비전에 매우 중요합니다. 우리는 흑인, 원주민, 유색인종 등 우리가 봉사하는 지역사회, 신체적, 행동적 건강, 지적 장애를 가진 사람들, 노인, 성소수자+ 개인, 이민자 및 난민, 그리고 재정적 안정을 구축하는 가족들에게 더 큰 접근성과 긍정적인 대표성을 제공하기 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 

보충 정보

신규 채용 전에 범죄 기록을 포함한 신원 조회를 실시할 수 있습니다. 신원 조회 정보가 반드시 취업을 배제하는 것은 아니지만 지원자의 직무 수행 적합성과 역량을 판단하는 데 고려됩니다. 이 공고는 여러 공석을 채우는 데 사용될 수 있습니다. 주 업무를 수행하는 직원은 유효한 운전면허증을 소지하고 있어야 합니다. 주 업무를 수행하는 개인 차량을 운전하는 직원은 개인 차량에 대한 책임 보험에 가입해야 합니다.


워싱턴 주 사회보건서비스국은 동등한 기회를 제공하는 고용주로서, 연령, 성별, 성적 지향, 성별, 성 정체성/표현, 결혼 상태, 인종, 신조, 피부색, 국적, 종교 또는 신념, 정치적 소속, 군대 상태, 명예 제대 참전용사, 베트남 시대, 최근 분리되거나 기타 보호받는 참전용사 지위, 감각적, 정신적, 신체적 장애의 존재 또는 장애, 동등한 급여 또는 유전 정보를 가진 사람이 훈련된 개 안내나 서비스 동물을 사용하는 것을 차별하지 않습니다. 지원 과정이나 이 채용 공고에 필요한 사람은 (360) 725-5810으로 연락할 수 있습니다. 청각 장애인이나 난청인 지원자는 워싱턴 중계 서비스를 통해 7-1-1 또는 1-800-833-6384로 전화하여 전화할 수 있습니다. 

An image without description 
E-Verify®는 미국 국토안보부의 등록 상표입니다.


SeattleKR Job Analysis

DSHS DDA Direct Support Professional

Key Skills and Qualifications

Technical Skills

Medication administration
Implement Individual Support Plan programs
Utilize an electronic data system for client records

Soft Skills

Outgoing and friendly
Accurate and clear written communication
Punctual and responsible
Ability to work with challenging individuals
Effectively communicate with management, peers, residents, and the public
Work in a team and independently


High school diploma/GED
One year of experience working with people with developmental disabilities
Paid training position available if lacking experience

Physical Requirements

No specific physical requirements mentioned in the job description.

Sample Interview Questions and Answers

Question 1: Describe how you would implement an Individual Support Plan (ISP) for a client with developmental disabilities. What are some key components and considerations in creating and executing this plan?

Implementing an Individual Support Plan (ISP) involves several critical steps to ensure that it effectively supports the client's unique needs. First, I would collaborate closely with the client, their family, healthcare providers, and any other relevant parties to gather comprehensive information about the client’s strengths, preferences, goals, and challenges. Key components of the ISP include:

1. **Assessment**: Conduct a thorough assessment of the client's physical, behavioral, emotional health, and daily living skills.
2. **Goal Setting**: Develop specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals in collaboration with the client to ensure they are meaningful and centered on their aspirations.
3. **Support Strategies**: Outline practical strategies and interventions that align with the client’s goals, such as skill-building activities or environmental modifications.
4. **Monitoring and Evaluation**: Establish a schedule for regular review meetings to monitor progress towards goals and make necessary adjustments to the plan. This ensures continuous improvement and adaptation to changing needs.

Considerations include maintaining open communication with all stakeholders, respecting the client's autonomy and preferences, and adhering to any relevant legal or ethical guidelines. Consistently documenting progress using an electronic data system is essential for transparency and accountability.

Question 2: How would you handle a situation where a client exhibits challenging behavior in a public setting? What strategies can be applied to de-escalate the situation while maintaining safety and dignity?

Handling challenging behavior, especially in a public setting, requires calmness, empathy, and strategic intervention. Here's how I would approach such a situation:

1. **Stay Calm**: First and foremost, remain calm and composed to avoid escalating the situation further.
2. **Assess Safety**: Quickly assess whether there is any immediate danger to the client or others. If necessary, move to a safer location.
3. **Use De-escalation Techniques**: Employ verbal de-escalation techniques such as speaking in a low, calm voice; acknowledging their feelings by saying something like ‘I can see this is upsetting’; and offering choices when possible to give the client some control over the situation.
4. **Non-verbal Cues**: Utilize non-threatening body language—keeping an open stance and avoiding direct confrontation—to make the environment feel safer for the client.
5. **Follow the ISP**: Refer back to any behavioral strategies outlined in their Individual Support Plan that might be effective during such incidents.
6. **Seek Assistance if Needed**: If the behavior escalates beyond control, do not hesitate to seek help from colleagues or authorities to ensure everyone's safety.

After the situation has been managed, it is important to reflect on what happened, document the incident thoroughly, and discuss any necessary adjustments with the client during their next ISP review. This approach prioritizes maintaining the dignity of the client while ensuring safety for all involved.

Question 3: What are some effective ways to build a trusting relationship with clients who have developmental disabilities? Discuss how these relationships impact your work as a Direct Support Professional.

Building a trusting relationship with clients is foundational in providing effective support. Here are some strategies to foster trust:

1. **Consistency**: Be reliable and consistent in interactions, which helps the client feel secure knowing what to expect from you.
2. **Active Listening**: Show genuine interest by listening actively to their concerns and preferences. This validates their feelings and promotes mutual respect.
3. **Empathy and Patience**: Demonstrate empathy for their experiences and be patient, recognizing that they may need more time or different communication methods to express themselves.
4. **Respect and Empowerment**: Respect their choices and encourage independence by supporting them in making decisions about their daily activities and goals.
5. **Personalized Interaction**: Take the time to learn about their interests, preferences, and history to personalize interactions that resonate with them personally.

A strong relationship based on trust significantly impacts my work as a Direct Support Professional by enhancing communication, cooperation, and client satisfaction. When clients trust me, they are more likely to engage actively in their ISP goals, share important information regarding their well-being, and participate in community activities, leading to better outcomes and a higher quality of life.

Original Job Description


DSHS Direct Support Professional/Attendant Counselor 2 
Want to put your passion to work? In this job, you will assist adults with developmental disabilities to live full, empowered lives in their home. Each individual has unique support needs, your support may include cooking, personal care tasks, household tasks, community activities, medication administration and support to maintain good physical, behavioral and emotional health. This essential position provides paid training, excellent benefits and the ability to make a difference!

We’re hiring dedicated permanent and on call Direct Support Professionals. 


State-Operated Living Alternatives (SOLA) within the Developmental Disabilities Administration has multiple opportunities for Direct Care Providers including day, swing, night shift, and part time opportunities. Learn more about SOLA Here (Download PDF reader) 


These openings can be filled as an Attendant Counselor 2 or be filled as in-training to develop the required skills within this specialized field. Upon successful completion of the 6-12 month in-training plan, you will progressively advance to the goal and wage of the Attendant Counselor 2. 


Opportunities performed on-site at this work location at least three days a week may be eligible for an additional 5% premium pay in addition to the advertised salary. 

You'll Get Competitive Pay and Great State Benefits As You 

  • Coach, teach, and mentor people with intellectual disabilities 
  • Assist and train clients with all areas of daily living skills 
  • Implement Individual Support Plan programs, plans, and services 
  • Transport and accompany clients to appointments, or other activities in the community 
  • Form relationships with people 
  • Keep the resident's home safe and clean 
  • Review, collect, and record participant information and report information that is vital and/or pertinent to home management 
  • Utilize an electronic data system to maintain client records and other reports  

To Start On Your New Career, We Ask That You Have  

Attendant Counselor 2 ($22.98 - $27.96)   

  • A high school diploma/GED AND one year of experience working with people with developmental disabilities in mental health facilities, nursing homes, hospitals, or residential settings. 


If you lack one year of experience, we can hire you in a paid training position: 


Attendant Counselor 2 In-Training ($21.90- $26.62)    

  • A high school diploma or GED.  
  • In this position, you get paid while gaining the experience and knowledge you need to qualify for the Attendant Counselor 2 position. 

Skills and Abilities: 

  • Outgoing and friendly 
  • Ability to provide accurate and clear written communications both electronically and verbally 
  • Punctual and responsible 
  • Ability to work with challenging individuals 
  • Effectively communicate with management, peers, residents, and the public as needed 
  • Able to work in a team and alone 
  • Able to read and follow policies and procedures 
  • Maintain great work habits. 

NOTE: Your starting hourly rate will be dependent on your education and experience. 

We need you to help us help others! If we have caught your eye, we want to hear from you! 

Interested? Simply fill out our application and attach your resume and three references. That's it! We want to make this easy for you.

Questions? Contact Recruiter, Morgan Daggi by email at [email protected] or call the main Talent Acquisition line at 360-725-5810 and reference 01834.  To learn more about DSHS, go to www.dshs.wa.gov.
The Department of Social and Health Services’ (DSHS) vision that people find human services to shape their own lives requires that we come together with a sense of belonging, common purpose, shared values, and meaningful work. It is crucial to our agency’s vision that you bring an equity, anti-racism, and social justice commitment to your work with DSHS. We strive to create greater access and affirming representation of the communities we serve, including Black, Indigenous, and People of Color, people with physical, behavioral health, and intellectual disabilities, elders, LGBTQIA+ individuals, immigrants and refugees, and families building financial security. 

Supplemental Information

Prior to a new hire, a background check including criminal record history may be conducted. Information from the background check will not necessarily preclude employment but will be considered in determining the applicant’s suitability and competence to perform in the job. This announcement may be used to fill multiple vacancies. Employees driving on state business must have a valid driver's license. Employees driving a privately owned vehicle on state business must have liability insurance on the privately owned vehicle.


Washington State Department of Social and Health Services is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate in any area of employment, its programs or services on the basis of age, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity/expression, marital status, race, creed, color, national origin, religion or beliefs, political affiliation, military status, honorably discharged veteran, Vietnam Era, recently separated or other protect­ed veteran status, the presence of any sensory, mental, physical disability or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability, equal pay or genetic information. Persons requiring accommodation in the application process or this job announcement in an alternative format may contact the Recruiter at (360) 725-5810. Applicants who are deaf or hard of hearing may call through Washington Relay Service by dialing 7-1-1 or 1-800-833-6384. 

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E-Verify® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.



시작일 3/11/2025 (화)
마감일 3/24/2025 (월)
11:59 PM 마감
홈페이지 지원
홈페이지 지원 클릭수: 1